Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Precious "Mother's Day Broach "...

                                                      While working at the Ronald Reagan Library
                                          Museum Shop, we received some new additions to our
                                          already amazing Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy jewelry
                                          collection.  This berry broach is stunning, and I just
                                          love I had sent a text message to  Jerome who was
                                          also working, asking if this could be my Mother's Day gift
                                          from him and the kids.  Well I knew he would say "Yes". So I
                                          purchased it, with the comment from him of "Wonderful.
                                          You took a lot of pressure off of me. "


                                                   Inside the box is a little card signed by
                                             Jacqueline Kennedy with a precious  message on the
                                             other side.  I did not read this card until I got
                                             home with the gift, and it brought tears to my
                                                                   eyes as I read it.....

                                                             Jackie's Wisdom- Children:
                                                       "Raising children is the best thing
                                                    I have ever done. Being a Mother is what
                                                    I think has made me the person I am."
                                                      "Campaigning with Jack has taken
                                                    me away from home. If  Jack proved  to be
                                                    the greatest president of the century and his
                                                    children turned out badly, it would be a tragedy.

                                                       "Jack is so affectionate with his daughter.
                                                    She has made him so much happier.  A man without
                                                    a child is incomplete."

                                                        "People have many theories about rearing
                                                    children.  I believe simply in love, security, and

                                                         "The things you do with your children,
                                                                         you never forget."

                                                    Unknown at the time....This is the Perfect
                                                                   Mother's  Day  Gift.

                                                       Have A Blessed Mother's Day !

                           * I am working this Sunday....and will be wearing this on my lapel,
                                          a smile on my face and love for my husband and
                                                               children in my heart.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Red folder, a Resume and the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library...

                                               Let me just say that I Love Ronald Reagan.
                                          It was for him that my very first vote was cast for
                                          his re-election in 1984. When we moved to Westlake
                                          Village 6 1/2 years ago we started going to his amazing
                                          library in the hills of Simi Valley. We are full of American
                                          pride Members.  Well I  recently asked my friend Lisa if she
                                          would help me with my resume...because I was going to
                                          work at the Reagan Library.  I had been praying about it and
                                          just knew this was the place to be for me.

                                              On Tuesday March 18th I went to the Museum Shop
                                          to leave my Nancy Reagan Red folder holding my resume,
                                          printed on a beautiful shiny paper. The girls working were sweet
                                          and kind, they said they would give it to their Supervisor when she
                                          returned from a meeting.  At 7pm that evening I was called and asked
                                          to come for an interview the very next day! So on March 19th, my
                                          50th birthday, I dressed the part and had my interview. I am sure
                                          the fact that I am a beaming Reagan fan pushed me over
                                          the edge !                        .

                                            I now have a part time job in the beautiful Museum Shop.
                                 Which is filled with all things Reagan. I have worked  2 days
                                 and absolutely love it. It is an honor and blessing to be part of the
                                 history held in those buildings.
                                            This is my favorite of all the books on Ronald Reagan.
                                I am currently reading it again.  Its talks of his finding his Christian
                                faith as a young boy of 11. His growing up years through his time
                                in the White House as President.  His faith guided him and our
                                Country was in Gods loving hands while he was in office.
                                                               I wish he was still here.
                                   Page 121   God in Sacramento ( while Reagan was Governor)

                                     The Governor told David Frost that Christ was the historical
                               figure he most admired, and he believed that lawmakers could learn
                               from Christ's teachings.  "Can you name one problem that would not
                               be solved if we had simply followed the teachings of the man from
                               Galilee ?" he asked rhetorically in a  September 1967 speech. He said the
                               answer to "each and every problem" could be found in the "simple words
                               of Jesus of Nazareth."  In a later gubernatorial address , he asserted:
                               "If we lived by the Golden Rule, there would be no need for other laws."

                             * GOD and Ronald Reagan a spiritual life   by Paul Kengor.

                                                    As a boy President Reagan read this little book
                                             filled with Christian insight.  Upon finishing it he
                                             said to his Mother Nell,  "I want to be like that man,
                                             and I want to be baptized." at age 11.

                                                  We were in Maui the summer I was reading the
                                             GOD and Ronald Reagan book and had to go to the
                                             local Barnes &  Noble to find this book that changed
                                             the young Reagan's life.  Its a must read, and should
                                             be on the required reading list in all Middle Schools !!

                                           Page 26   God and Ronald Reagan  Paul Kengor writes:
                                                from That Printer of Udell's -Harold Bell Wright

                                        The Lesson of Udell's is that a Christian must honestly
                                        stand by his convictions, actively helping those in need.
                                        He must boldly follow God's will, and not be silent or
                                        cowardly in attacking evil. He must proselytize and evangelize,
                                        making no excuses.  Parking one's Christianity at the door
                                        is simply not what Jesus wants; it is not an option. This
                                        Udell's conveyed, it the only true recipe for betterment-
                                                                for this changing world.                                    

                                                   I have been having my coffee in my "It Can
                                           Be Done" mug from the library for a few years now.
                                           This probably lead me to pursue this job opportunity.
                                                         That and of course lots of prayer.

                                               When you have a hope for your life, pray about it,
                                       quietly listen to God, be patient, God's timing is the perfect
                                       timing, when ready boldly and with the confidence God gives
                                       you....take that red folder and be active to make it come true.
                                                                 Have a Blessed Day ! 

                                                * I get to go to work happy.


Thursday, March 20, 2014

It finally arrived....."50" and feeling Fabulous !

                                                       This framed photo says it all....
                                                 I have always kind of lived my life in
                                                 a "Bubble", no matter where I am, but
                                                 even in a bubble you turn 50. Yesterday
                                                 was the big day.  My dear friend Lisa found
                                                 this for me, its a 1960's fashion photo shoot
                                                 in Paris. Models floating in bubbles on the Seine.
                                                 So perfect for me, I just adore and love it !!!
                                                 The bubble of my life is sometimes really
                                                 funny, like when my husband has had to
                                                 say to me " Amy I am sorry, but you just
                                                 have to come out of your bubble and deal
                                                 with this"....and I do come out,  more often
                                                 than I would like too !!!  Besides as a
                                                 Christian aren't we suppose to "Be in the world,
                                                 but not of it "  doesn't that kind of go along
                                                 with the bubble thing ??? 

                                                          What girl wouldn't want to be
                                                  adorned in hounds tooth, gliding along
                                                  the Seine in a borealis globe ? Perfectly
                                                  quiet and serene . Wish I could focus on
                                                  the Lord and glide through my days like
                                                  this stylish lady. Oh I have moments of
                                                  each day somewhat like this, but so many
                                                  distractions take me away from where
                                                  I really want to be, resting in the Lord.
                                                  The thing is, I know that while in the
                                                  bubble I can focus my thoughts on
                                                  and when I come out He holds me,
                                                  guides me, and protects me, as only He

                                                                    Psalm 116 : 5-6
                                                      The Lord is gracious and righteous;
                                                      our God is full of compassion.  The
                                                      Lord protects the simplehearted;
                                                            When I was in great need,
                                                                       He saved me.

                                                                 Have a Blessed day,
                                                                     In a Bubble,

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Worry.....Do Not ! ! !

                                                          Its seems that Spring is here.
                                                    Looking around our home I realized that
                                                    there are several bird related accessories !
                                                    A cute wall plaque in the upstairs hall,
                                                    reminds us to Believe.....

                                                         One of my favorites, a somewhat
                                                    rusted birdcage sits on the living room
                                                    ottoman for all to see...each night at
                                                    7pm the battery candles pop on !!!
                                                    Reminds me to "be the light "..

                                                          A "Cedar Waxwing" hand carved
                                                    by my Dad for our daughter. He inscribed
                                                    with his wood burning tool,
                                                            "Made for Haley Mae Clark
                                                             who I love dearly, Grandpa"
                                                                          May '08

                                                           A "Downy Woodpecker"
                                                    carved by my Dad....yes he is a very
                                                    gifted and talented woodworker.
                                                           Made for Haley Mae with
                                                               love from Grandpa.
                                                                      May 2010

                                                          My childhood cookie jar !
                                                     My mom gave this to me one day.
                                                     I just love filling it with cookies, mostly
                                                     chocolate chip, just as she did for us all
                                                     those years.

This birdie is really special.
Grandpa carved it for Haley and sent it 
with all the paints for her to finish.
When he came to town they did it together.
 It was such a precious day.
Oh, its a "Piping Plover"

                                                        Found this card to frame, but haven't
                                                   done it yet,  it says it all for me when I
                                                           We have Everything we need
                                                                     when we have

   Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:25,

           "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what your will wear.  Is not life more important then food, and the body more important than clothes ? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your
heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable then they ? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life ?

                                                               As I sit here writing this,
                                                             birds are chirping outside my
                                                             open sliding door, its gorgeous

                                                                Have a very Blessed day,                        

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Beautiful Bible Study and Book Club....Ladie's

                                                      A group of amazing ladies, who I am
                                                  honored to call my friends, meet the 3rd
                                                  Friday of each month for a time with the
                                                  Lord Jesus in our home. I was given this
                                                  gorgeous crown framed image by Parry.
                                                  It sits on my desk, where I can read it
                                                                          each day.

                                                          I pray that I could be this woman!
                                                    Its a very tall order. Unreachable without
                                                     the Lord by my side...guiding my every
                                                     thought and step....trusting Him to
                                                             change me...which He will.

                                                         We are currently reading and going
                                                      over this wonderful book. "In His steps"
                                                      by Charles M. Sheldon.  The book poses
                                                      the question of asking "What would Jesus
                                                      do" before we do anything. Another tall

                                                      When we started in January, each lady
                                                      chose a verse for this year 2014 to lead them.
                                                      I wanted to share the verses with you.

                                                     Psalm 139:23-24

                                                          Search me, O God, and know my heart,
                                                          test me and know my anxious thoughts.
                                                          See if there is any offensive way in me,
                                                          and lead me in the way everlasting.

                                                    1 Corinthians 13:4-8a

                                                          Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy,
                                                         it does not boast, it is not proud. it is not rude,
                                                         it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it
                                                         keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight
                                                         in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects,
                                                         always trusts, always hopes, always preservers.
                                                         Love never fails.                      -KR-    

                                                    Jeremiah 29:11-13

                                                          "For I know the plans I have for you," declares
                                                          the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you,
                                                          plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will
                                                          call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will
                                                          listen to you. You will seek me and find me when
                                                          you seek me with all your heart.
                                                                                                              -JJ and LT -

                                                     Philippians 4:6

                                                             Do not be anxious about anything, but in
                                                             everything, by prayer and petition with
                                                             thanksgiving present your requests to God.

                                                     Matthew 22:37
                                                              Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with
                                                              all your heart and with all your soul and with
                                                              all your mind."                      -SG-
                                                    Proverbs 3:4-7

                                                              Then you will win favor and a good name in
                                                              in  the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord
                                                              with all your heart and lean not on your own
                                                              understanding; in all your ways acknowledge
                                                              Him, and he will make your paths straight. Do
                                                              not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and
                                                              shun evil.                                -SG-

                                                    John 13:34-35

                                                               Jesus said: "A new command I give you: Love
                                                               one another. As I have loved you, so you must
                                                               love one another. By this all men will know that
                                                               you are my disciples, if you love one another.

                                                    Romans 1:20

                                                               For since the creation of the world Gods
                                                               invisible qualities - His eternal power and
                                                               divine nature - have been clearly seen, being
                                                               understood from what has been made, so that
                                                               men are without excuse.           -PO-

                                                                     Hope your Sunday is Blessed !