Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Thought you should meet Miss Ginger....

                                           Meet the adorable Miss Ginger Snap, also known
                                              as "The Pooker." She is a GoldenDoodle mini.
                                            She's 3 years old,  and  we all adore her. Even
                                             my husband, who pretends that he dosen't.
                                                  He always refers to her as " Your Dog."

                                         Here she is just staring at me as I sit at my desk.

                                              When I see her flopped out on my sons bed,
                                               I often think,  "I wish I was a dog right now."
                                               I would love to lay around and nap like this !
                                      (and secretly I sometimes join her, just for a few minutes).

When we were waiting for her to be born, we were on
 a list of 6 people, all wanting a female puppy.  One day I was thinking
and talking to God and saying "well if there aren't enough girls we will be patient and wait."  The next day the breeder posted that the puppies were born, ALL GIRLS, 6 in TOTAL. She also said that this had never happened with her litters before! Thank you God for our Ginger.
She has been a true blessing to our family. 
 I also let the breeder know that I had been in prayer about it.
God is Amazing in the little things, just think of what He alone can do with the Big Things.
Always Trust the Lord.
Have a Blessed Day,
Psalm 55:22
Cast your cares on the Lord
and he will sustain you;
Nahum 1:7
The Lord is good
a refuge in times of trouble.
He cares for those who trust in him.

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