Thursday, March 14, 2013

Remembering "Diamond Lil"....

                                                Today, March 14th would have been my
                                            Grandma Lil's  100th Birthday. She went home to
                                            be with the Lord 5 years ago. I have so many
                                            memories of times spent with her and so many
                                            funny stories that I share with people constantly.
                                            I am surrounded by her things in our home. She
                                            had a true style about her. She loved fashion and her home.
                                            She had boxes full of great costume jewelry, which
                                            I have and wear often.  When I wear her charm
                                            bracelets the constant jingly sounds from the charms
                                            remind me of  her. I cherish these memories.

                                                   An original charcoal drawing of Lil at
                                                   the age of 17 hangs in our dining room.
                                                   It was drawn by her brother in law,
                                                   he was an illustrator for the first Sears

                                                    The " Classic Christmas Tree" pose.
                                                    I am the one in pony tails. It was always
                                                    pure excitement when she arrived at our
                                                    home on Christmas Eve.

                                                    Here she and I are gazing at my new
                                                    baby sister Susan. Lil used to tell me
                                                    that I was a little bit jealous that she
                                                    had arrived !

                                                        A precious hammered silver cross.
                                                Its home is in one of her many jewelry boxes. 
                                                                I just love this tiny cross.
                                                I also have one of her Bibles.  When looking
                                                through it, I was in the book of John and came
                                                across  Chapter 14. The verses here are double
                                                underlined and highlighted. I know that these
                                                verses gave Lil comfort.

                                                                           John 14: 1 - 6

                                              Jesus said "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in
                                             God, believe also in Me.
                                                          "In My Father's house are many mansions; if it
                                             were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place
                                             for you.
                                                          "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will
                                             come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there
                                             you may be also.    

                                              I smile and my heart is warmed knowing that Diamond Lil
                                              is in the house of many mansions with the Lord. Its probably
                                              perfectly decorated and accessorized, shiny and sparkly,
                                                                                 and she is too.

                                                                    Have a Blessed March 14th,  2013

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