Sunday, March 17, 2013

"Lets meet for Coffee"...

                                         I Love Coffee !
                           I love the smell of freshly brewed, I love coffee beans, I love the
                      color "Coffee Brown",  I love that my husband decided to become a
                      coffee drinker and joined me,  I love coffee and conversation, coffee in
                      the car, writing the word coffee is fun, I cherish coffee with my Dad long
                      distance on the phone, coffee with friends, coffee after dinner, walking
                      into a coffee house, being asked "would you like coffee ?", I love it on
                      cold days and hot days.  I love making someone coffee,  I am having a
                      coffee right now, I've even had the most spectacular coffee's in Paris.
                      We have a Cuisinart, a Kuerig, and French Press, I even drink instant
                      coffee in a pinch. I so look forward to my afternoon coffee break. But
                      my very favorite is the first warm cup of coffee in the dark of the early
                      morning, when I meet the Lord. With eyes that can hardly focus, I sit at
                      my desk, slowly sipping and reading Jesus Calling, then the Bible, then
                      whatever study I am working on.  This is my favorite Coffee of the day.

                                                      Accessorize with Coffee Beans.... 
                                                 when I take the lids off you'd think
                                                 you were in Starbucks, its great.  There
                                                 is a glass jar candle inside the crystal
                                                 biscuit barrel, when lit, it warms the beans
                                                                and smells heavenly.

                                                    Mocha with Max, by Max Lucado.
                                                   This is the cutest book of writings,
                                                          on page 173 Max writes:
                                            Simplify your faith by seeking God for yourself.
                                            No confusing ceremonies necessary. No mysterious
                                            rituals required. No elaborate channels of command
                                                                   or levels of access.
                                                     You have a Bible ?  You can study.
                                                     You have a heart ?   You can pray.
                                                     You have a mind.     You can think.


                                          I also love Coffee Table books !
                                                Coffee cups and drawings of coffee cups.
                                                               Have a Blessed Day,

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